Lisbon International Forum
on Occupational Health
Sociedade Portuguesa de Medicina do Trabalho
Rua Tobis Portuguesa, n.º 8
1.º andar, Escritório n.º 4
1750-292 Lisboa, Portugal
Sociedade Portuguesa de Medicina do Trabalho © 2017
Home > Lisbon’s 1st International Forum on Occupational Health
Lisbon’s 1st International Forum on Occupational Health
November 4th, 2017
Culturgest Auditorium (Lisbon, Portugal)
On last November 4th, 2017, the Portuguese Society of Occupational Medicine organized Lisbon’s 1st International Forum on Occupational Health.
This inaugural scientific event was hosted within the 14th National Forum of Occupational Health, which has been organized by the Portuguese Society of Occupational Medicine since 1991.
For this International Forum, we were honoured to have the following presences:
Dr Alenka Škerjanc, President of the Occupational Medicine Section of the European Union of Medical Specialists (UEMS)
Dr Jukka Takala, President of the International Commission on Occupational Health (ICOH)
Dr Herman Spanjaard, Member of the Executive Committee of the International Occupational Medicine Society Collaborative (IOMSC)
Dr Sylvain Leduc, President of the Federation of European Ergonomics Societies (FEES)
Ms Nancy Leppink, Chief of the Labour Administration, Labour Inspection and Occupational Safety and Health Branch (LABADMIN/OSH) - International Labour Organization (ILO)
Dr Paul Williams, President of the Council of the Society of Occupational Medicine, United Kingdom (SOM)
Dr Thomas Donnelly, Past President of the Irish Society of Occupational Medicine (ISOM)
Dr Alfonso Apellaniz, President of the Sociedad Española de Medicina y Seguridad del Trabajo (SEMST)
Dr Pedro J. Ortiz, Medical Director of the International SOS Foundation
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For more information on other events organized by the Portuguese Society of Occupational Medicine,
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Institutional Sponsor (Culturgest Auditorium):